New firmware 1.28 is out:!l4xyDI5I!qoBXKPpOlxKabubys3AqH6tNBpEhtj0eJvP5bU4uTSY
It has a few bugfixes and especially support for the port extender (with board rev 2.5f and newer)
To use extension port you simply can reuse the serialCmd field in the sound effect details. New 1.28 recognized a few additional commands:
1. all commands for the serial media server (like before): PLAY, STOP und PLAYONEOF
2. NEW commands for the port extender: PORT x ON, PORT x OFF oder PORTSEQ x n1 n2 n3 …
You can also combine both comamnd types in one, just use a colon as separator. X is the placeholder for the port number with the range 100-115 -> 16 outputs. The n1, n2 … values are timespans of milli seconds, in order to playback a sequence. The port pin then toggles on and off.
There is also a new settings page in the web ui, that allows for testing GPIOs and commands in general:

With this testing page you can check and test your installation wihtout playing the actual sound effect.